Monday, December 31, 2012

Live With Hope

As a Psychology major, I did an internship at the Atascadero State Hospital for the Criminally Insane my junior year in college.  What I learned there prompted me to change my major with only three quarters to graduate.

The men I met were rapists and child molestors, violent beyond what I believed possible.  They were absolutely delusional and felt compeled to act according to the voices they heard.  The depth of their disabilities was shocking, especially for a 20-year-old girl.

My point is, some people simply canot navigate this world.  They need to be confined and treated.  I think the Sandy Hook disaster is more about mental health than gun control.

I mention this because I live with the hope that we will (as a society) invest in proper care facilities for the mentally ill.  Possibly 2013 will be the year that allows us to address this issue for the safety and protection of all.

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