Sunday, December 16, 2012

Myan Dust

Responses for my Armageddon lunch indicate that it will be well attended.  Does this mean I have to dust?  In my experience, a Madden isn't the duster.  We are the dustee.

The point is, I'm not noted for my housekepping skills.  My friends know this and still love me.  We don't judge, we just laugh a lot.  Like the time I called 1-800-JUNK to clean out my daughters' playroom and toys stored in the garage.

They filled two trailers and charged me $1,000.  It was like an episode of "Hoarders", cats and all (although I want to point out that my cats are well cared for.)

So, my friends will be here on Friday for the celebration of 12-21-12.  My friend, Teresa, has volunteered to tap dance.  What a thrill!  We might have to put that on U-Tube.  There will be food and frolicking, perhaps even chanting.

I wonder if I should vacuum?

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