Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Divinity and Potato Salad

I made divinity and potato salad last night for my Armageddon lunch on 12-21-12.  What better way to celebrate the end of the Mayan calendar than with sugar and mayonaise?

The recipes were handed down from my Great-Grandmother  Callery   who brought them from Ireland.  The endeavor prompted a memory of a conversation I had with Father Kevin Moran, Pastor of St. Theresa's Catholic Church, several years ago.

He asked me what part of Ireland my family was from?  I replied:  "I believe the Maddens are from Limrick, the Flahertys and Callerys are from Cork."

"Oh no," said the Priest from Derry.  "The Callerys are from Derry.  It's a bad clan," he shook his head in disdain.  "A very bad clan."

He was still shaking his head as he walked away.

I always wondered if he meant bad as in evil or bad as in bad-ass warriors?  I'll contemplate this while eating Irish divinity and potato salad.

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