I was watching letterman Wednesday night when the CBS local TV affiliate in Seattle, KIRO 7 interrupted exactly at midnight with breaking news: Marijuana and same-sex marriage are now legal in Washington.
Cut to: people in line at the courthouse waiting to get marriage licenses. Then, more news: film of people smoking dope.
For this they interrupted the Letterman show?
I voted for same-sex marriage and the legalization of marijuana back on November 3rd. I knew it passed. It's not breaking news. It can wait.
So, December 6 was the first day for the new laws and, certainly, celebration was warranted. But, to disturb the David Letterman for that? Really? I switched channels and found that Leno was on NBC as well as Jimmy Kimmel on ABC. Only KIRO made this a pressing story for midnight. I remember when "Breaking News" indicated some kind of monumental disaster. The term has now lost it's meaning.
In truth, I'm happy for all those whose lives have been enhanced by voters' support. I believe in freedom and equality. We should all be able to pursue our personal truth and be valued for who we really are. Just don't mess with Letterman!
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