Monday, August 13, 2012

Searching for Truth

Today I saw the movie:  "Ruby Sparks."   I thought it was outstanding.  What initially seemed to be a silly premise evolved into a great think piece prompting questions like:  What is possible?  Is what you believe the truth?  Does the truth belong to yor or must it coincide with what others' believe to qualify for validity?  If we adopt the beliefs of  others, are we free to create something new?

On  another note, I want to continue my Madden Family story with an explanation of my spiritual world.  My Grandmother, Agnes Flaherty, was a paid professional Irish Wailing Woman.  She was hired to mourn at funerals.  I understand she knew how to keep evil spirits away as the soul travels to its' designated  space.  According to the stories, she knew how to protect  the faithful departed during it's 3-day journey.

More tomorrow.

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