Monday, August 27, 2012

Photo Cop

Here's what makes me feel really grouchy:  A few  months ago I received  2 speeding tickets in 8 minutes.  How did that happen?  Photo Cop!  I was appalled.

This is entrapment.  I was driving 28 MPH in a 35 zone.  Even though school was out and there wer e no children to be seen or even cars in the parking lot.  School had been dismissed and cleared out for at least 30 minutes, but the city timed the caution light to continue  long past its' need and the school zone became 20 mph.

I received, by mail, 2 tickets coming from and going to the gas station to the tune of  $440.

What a joke!  This is just a sneaky  and frankly unconstitutional (my opinion)  endeavor to increase the cities' income. 

It's no wonder people feel alienated  by government.  We pay property tax, income tax, and here in Federal Way, an exorbitant sales tax that actually sends local shoppers to other cities.

To me, it's a crime akin to theft.  By adding Photo Cop we have returned to medieval political order, over-taxed as we are.  It's literally  "highway robbery."  Where is Robin Hood when we need him?

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