Saturday, August 11, 2012

Madden Truth

Growing up in the Madden family encompassed  decoding gradations of the truth.  For example, my Grandmother, Agnes Flaherty (see previous blogs regarding Purgatory), told me the story of hearing a banshee howl a signal of the death of a family member.  The following morning she found her 32-year-old son, Joe, dead in his room at the boarding house she owned in Austin, Minnesota.  She described  the banshee burn mark outside his bedroom window.

The interesting part of the story is that my Mother, Mary Margaret Flaherty Madden, said she saw it too.

Tales of banshees date back to the pre-Christian era in Ireland when the Druids were believed to have highly evolved   spiritual powers of communication.

So, when two people tell the same story, does that equal the truth?

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