Thursday, August 16, 2012

Cat Training

I have been, of late, engaged in training my cat, Franklin (see picture).  He is a fairly recent addition to our family, a rescue from the Bellevue Animal Shelter.

He's timid, a real "scaredy cat", gentle, sweet, and has become a bit of a "Mama's Boy".  He sits up like a mier cat and watches the birds dance around their feeder in the backyard.  He folows me around the house like a little shadow .  I can see his smile even though I know cats don't smile.  I can hear him say thank you even though I know he can't talk.

He loves it when I sing to him.  Franklin doesn't seem to notice that I have no talent.

After dinner he snuggles with me on the couch and sucks on his "blankie" while I pet him.  His eyes tell me that he misses his Mom.  I console him with promises to always care for him.  I feel his gratitude.

He is hyper-vigilant in such a way that I believe he may have suffered trauma before Cailin and I found him in the shelter.  I have promised him he will heal. 

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