Monday, October 22, 2012

The Wizard of Weight Loss

You may wonder what happened to Grace, my counselor at Jenny Craig.  (See previous blog re:  "Grace Knows,")
When I returned from my trip to Seaside, Oregon, I was corralled by a strange salesperson and in her disconcerting style  informed me that I needed to spend another $400 in addition to the cost of food, which in of itself is exorbitant.  Can you imagine the indignity of it?  Apparently she didn't realize that no one addresses Judith in that manner.  After all, I am a Piestess.  How could she not recognize me?  So, I stomped out, but not without leaving a bit of Madden attitude.

So, now I' off to see the Wizard.  I feel that you may have already guessed who ranks as the Wizard of Weight Loss.  Of course, it's Weight Watchers.  Yea for me!

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