Monday, October 1, 2012

Madden Penance

I feel grateful to have grown up in a Catholic family.  Possibly, my faith was my Mother's greatest gift to me.  I remember she used to make me go to confession every Friday night.  When you're 7 years old, how many sins can you commit in a week?

I tried really hard to be perfect. I was a straight "A" student.  I always obeyed my parents.  I didn't lie, cheat, or steal. But, every Friday I went to Father Dugan and confessed that I didn't clean my room, a room that I shared with two other people at the time.  Father Dugan would grant forgiveness and ask me to say 10 "Hail Marys" as penance.  I complied.

After several months of telling the same sin every Friday, Father Dugan said:  "Judy, is that you?"

"Yes Father," I replied a little surprised since confession was supposed to be anonymous.  I guessed he recognized my voice or spotted me in line when he came in.

"Why don't you just clean your room?" he asked.

"Because, I wouldn't have a sin to tell you on Friday," I explained.

"Tell your Mother to stop sending you to confession every week," he instructed. "No penance for you!"

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