Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Grace Knows

A couple of weeks ago I traveled to Seaside, Oregon for a few days.  I ate pancakes and sausages, aka pigs in a blanket (appropriately named); ordered milkshakes for lunch; and ate an overabundant yet undetermined amount of saltwater taffy.  I conducted myself in this manner for several days.

I sent my counselor, Grace, at Jenny Craig a post card from Seaside saying I would call her when I returned. 

I have spent the last five months existing on a well-balanced 1200 calorie a day food plan and working out 5 days a week.  I lost 31 pounds and I've never felt better.

But, when I returned from Seaside, I didn't call Grace right away because I wanted to eat cookies and ice cream for a few more days which became more than a week of sugar wonderland.  I gained 4 pounds.

What kind of person works for 5 months to lose 31 pounds and then self-destructs in Seaside?  I'm sure Grace will have the answer. 

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