Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Obedience is Over-rated

  Although not mandatory, a possible pre-ordination qualification for Priestess could be a stint  in a religious boarding school. 

Hermann  Hesse wrote:  Those who are too lazy and comfortable to think for themselves and be their own judges, obey the laws."

That was, pretty much my mind set when I attended a Catholic boarding school at the age of sixteen.  It wasn't because I was a juvenile deliquent.  Rather, it was because I had a big mouth and a bit of an attitude.  My mother remarried and I didn't like her husband and I told him so.  The feeling was mutual.  It was my observation that Catholic boarding schools are full of girls like me, you know,  step-children.

So, when I met Mother Superior, I tried to explain that obedience is over-rated.  It interferes  with the truth.  To abide by the rules of others when they are counter to what you believe is logical changes who you are.

Mother Superior, I wondered how she achieved that title?  Was she really superior compared to the rest of us?  I decided to make a list of qualities that were superior.  Perhaps  this was when I first began to  pursue a title for myself.

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