Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Earl Madden

I introduced my father, Earl Madden, yesterday.  He was an amazing man.  He grew up on a dairy farm in El Dora, Iowa.  He told me many stories about playing baseball with the children of migrant farm workers, kind of like "The Field of Dreams", but not exactly.

He told me that his mother, Catherine Madden, believed that children were created to be part of the farm workforce.  He said he was treated like a slave by his own family.  He was expected to work from sun-up until the darkness of night.School was discouraged.

So, he vowed, as a child, to provide a better life for his children and he did. 
When I was growing up inDaly City, California, we didn't own a car, but we did attend Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic School.  My brother, John, my sister, Mary Delores, and I had the best education vailable  the time.  The Madden children were never used as slaves.  My dad thought it was child abuse.

More tomorrow.....

Monday, July 30, 2012

The Jacksons and the Maddens

I had the time of my life at the Jacksons' concert last night.  A sold out crowd was on their feet singing and dancing.

They're just incredibly talented, not just as vocalists, but as dancers.  They were outstanding in their choreographed dance moves  -  so precise  --so polished.  THE CONCERT IS A MEMORY i WILL ALWAYS TREASURE.

As a veteran of ten years of childhood dance lessons plus years of Arthur Murray ballroom dance lessons as an adult, I feel humbled  by the Jacksons' gifts.

I wanted to be a professional dancer.  By the time I graduated from high school, my father, Earl Madden, had passed away and my brother, John Madden, was coaching the Oakland Raiders.  When I told John I wasn't going to college, he pointed out that a professional football player usually peaks out at 32 (if
they're healthy) and he guessed that a professional dancer was probably the same.  What was I planning to do after the age of 32 without an education?

I went to college.

Subsequently, as I matured, I realized I didn't have the talent required to be a professional dancer which brings me back to the Jacksons and true talent.  They're amazing.


Saturday, July 28, 2012

The Jacksons and the Priestess

I have tickets to see The Jacksons at Snoqualmie Casino tomorrow night  (7-29).  When I was growing up, I loved The Jackson 5.

"I Want You Back;" "ABC;" "I'll Be There;" "Never Can Say Goodbye;" "Daddy's Home;"  "Maybe Tomorrow;"  "Dancing Machine."  I know the words to all their songs.

I love to sing and dance.  Perhaps the love of music should be a qualification for Priestess.

I'll let you know if Catherine Jackson shows up.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Priestess Meditation

In preparation for my coronation, I have lost 25 pounds.  Although this is not an advertisement, I went to Jenny Craig and have been working out at Curves three to four days a week.

I feel much better, but more importantly, I have gained confidence with the self-discipline recently acquired .  It's a mind-set; a determination; a belief that I can use the strength of my will to accomplish what I want.

I randomly checked out a CD at the library, "Meditations to Change Your Brain" by Rick Hanson, PHD, and Richard Mendius, MD. They teach you how to re-arrange the circuitry of your brain to improve your ability to focus.

I'm not being paid to promote this product, but I want to say that I listened to it every night for 30 days and subsequently  purchased it.  I'm a far more productive and confident person, possibly even qualified to become a Priestess.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

University of Purgatory

Purgatory is a complicated concept.  To simplify, you could relate it to the Hindi belief in Karma or "What goes around comes around" or "Every dog has their day" or As you sew, so shall you reap."

Those who hurt people are going to have to feel the pain they inflicted on others.  It's automatic.

So, that's what Grandma  Flaherty did in her final years.  She prayed for the repose of the souls of the faithful departed.   And I prayed with her.  I don't know how many of our relatives we moved into heaven, but I do remember that so many numbers of prayers decreased their sentence  in Purgatory.  I felt very powerful as a child.  Possibly this is a qualification for High Priestess, knowledge of the University of Purgatory.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Purgatory Spirits

Spirits in Purgatory will learn how to use their energy in a positive way rather than a selfish way.  They will be able to offer encouragement  and comfort; advice and wisdom.  Recipients  wil l  have to listen for thoughts that they can identify as not being their own.

The ironic thing about this "curious exchange of energy"  will be recognized by Purgatorial occupants as onof their capabilities when they were on earth.  They were just too self-centered to realize it. 

Monday, July 23, 2012

Purgatorial Patrons

In purgatory it's the little things that count.  People who didn't provide basic necessities for their children will need to work hard.  Children need to feel safe; to be encouraged;  children must be hugged and taught to brush their teeth and they need socks and food and dental ad medical care.  There are so many other needs that a continued list would be boring,

But, the truth is, neglected and abused children usually end up in abusive relationships or in prison or addicted to drugs and alcohol.

The souls in Purgatory are offered to heal the children whose spirit they damaged.  They first must feel the pain they inflicted on defenseless children.  It is unbearable for some when they realize what they've done.

So, within the layers of Purgatory residents will be able to contribute their healthy, healing energy to the people they hurt on earth.

Those who are willing to be totally unselfish  in their efforts to make amends for their transgressions will be able to offer opportunities and true love, among other things, to those they damaged. They can arrange serendipitous  meetings for their loved ones who will benefit from the event.

Nothing is random.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Priestess Purgatory

As a child I read from "The Little Book of Indulgences" with my Grandmother, Agnes Flaherty.  We recited numbers of rosaries and prayers that would shorten the sentence of the souls of people she knew to be in Purgatory.  She out-lived five of her nine children and was sure they were all in Purgatory with her husband, James.

I've always been fascinated with the concept of a middle place for sinners after death.  Although I've questioned priests in the past, I've never truly understood what happens at this destination.

So, as a Priestess, I've decided to solve this dilemma.  The following is my vision of Purgatory:

I picture Purgatory as a rather large school, a major university, a place to go and learn how to become a better person; a place to make amends for all of those you hurt during your life.

The school of Purgatory, although having many campuses, it, in all of it's forms is a high-rise of such proportons that Donald Trump couldn't concieve of the superior height and architecture.

There are no football fields, baseball diamonds, swimming pools, tracks, or soccer fields in Purgatory.  Oddly enough, there are very few good athletes in Purgatory.  It is estimated that at least 99% of them have been assigned to a different after-life experience.

More tomorrow.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Mitt and the Priestess

About two weeks ago I wrote a letter to Mitt Romney and sent it snail mail to his headquarters in Boston.  I specifically  pointed out that I am a Democrat, but would consider voting for him depending on his VP choice.

I received his response from Boston today: 

"Dear Judith,

I am running for President of the United States and because you are one of  AMERICA'S MOST NOTABLE REPUBLICANS, I want to personally let you know why."....

Apparently, Mitt doesn't realize that my goal is to become a Priestess, not a Republican. 

I think he needs to hire someone to read his mail.  It's probably  a requirement for a President.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Obedience is Over-rated

  Although not mandatory, a possible pre-ordination qualification for Priestess could be a stint  in a religious boarding school. 

Hermann  Hesse wrote:  Those who are too lazy and comfortable to think for themselves and be their own judges, obey the laws."

That was, pretty much my mind set when I attended a Catholic boarding school at the age of sixteen.  It wasn't because I was a juvenile deliquent.  Rather, it was because I had a big mouth and a bit of an attitude.  My mother remarried and I didn't like her husband and I told him so.  The feeling was mutual.  It was my observation that Catholic boarding schools are full of girls like me, you know,  step-children.

So, when I met Mother Superior, I tried to explain that obedience is over-rated.  It interferes  with the truth.  To abide by the rules of others when they are counter to what you believe is logical changes who you are.

Mother Superior, I wondered how she achieved that title?  Was she really superior compared to the rest of us?  I decided to make a list of qualities that were superior.  Perhaps  this was when I first began to  pursue a title for myself.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Priestess Prayer

I have returned from vacation and while cruising through the San Juan Islands I wrote this prayer:

If we're lucky, life draws us to love and love draws us to another life.  The beauty of knowing another soul to be one with yours proves that there is a Heaven, an energy that has forever been and always will be there to combine souls of special loving people.

I believe in that which I cannot see and that one day we will all be gifted with the ability to see a plan that encompasses all those who have opened their hearts to true love.

I know that love never dies.  It is, rather, energy that builds on Universal love to create new possibilities,  All that you see isn't all that you can see

I think another qualification for High Priestess is daily prayer  and blessings to all who are o                                        open to receiving them

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Qualifications for Priestess

Qualifications for High Priestess:

I once had a clerk in a store call Mall Security for protection from me.  It was odd at the time since I was quite aware of my anger, I purposely modulated my voice.  I spoke in low tones.  I didn't swear nor did I threaten her..  I simply pointed out her error and asked her for the phone number of her regional manager,  a

number didn't know or have access to. I   asked her if  she graduated from high school, since she was a 50-year-old woman, I clearly offended her.  She began to shake.  I promised I would pursue the issue.  She excused herself and, within a moment, a security officer came running in breathlessly shouting:  "What's going on in here?" 

Now, that's the kind of power a High Priestess should have, the ability to communicate.  It runs in my family.  The Maddens have always been able to exchange information pointedly.  It's a gift.

More qualifications to folow.

Friday, July 6, 2012


   i BOUGHT fRANKLIN A HARNESS AND LEASH  today at Petco.  My advisor, who was incredibly knowledgeable  a  bout cat training, suggested that Franklin, aka The Fabulous Super Cat, should wear the harness around the house for a few days and play with the leash as a toy.

What genius!  This woman could be a candidate for the Coronation Committee.  The joy  of running around the house with a leash  a.nd a hope that the cat will engage  was beyond words.  Actually, I feel a little foolish.

Apparently Franklin doesn't recognize that I'm a High Priestess of the holy order of catdom.  He seems a little disingenuous.  He pretends to be interested, but quickly his eyes glaze over with boredom. 

Possibly, the Coronation should be delayed until Franklin achieves a modicum of respect.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Franklin the Cat

    I've decided to buy a leash and collar for Franklin.  He can be a bit unruly  at times, so I think he will require more training before The Coronation.  After all, like Charlie Sheen, Franklin has Tiger blood and Adonis DNA.  Perhaps he should have a title too.  

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

In consideration  of  assuming  the title High Priestess of Cats, I have been thinking we should have a parade featuring  Franklin, my gifted cat.  I've taught him many tricks that will amaze and delight.  Clearly, he exemplifies the superiority of his species.

In addition, members of the coronation committee should be prepared to report on Kardashian activity for valuable  advice concerning integrity.  Coronation committee to be appointed soon.

Monday, July 2, 2012

I'm contemplating the possibility of bestowing a title on myself.  You know, with regalia and such.  Why not?  It's a free country.  There are no rules about royalty here. I can be whoever I want to be.  So far, I'm thinking of Lady Judith or Empress Judy of Federal Way.  I'm also considering Countess or Dutchess.  I'm not really interested in Queen or Princess - far too English for an Irish girl.  What do you think of  The High Priestess  of Cats?  Coronation details to follow.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

my cat

Speaking of pajamas,  I stuffed some clothes down the laundry chute today and the force of the load opened the chute door on the first floor.  My pajamas rolled off the dryer and landed in the cat's litter box,   The box was actually clean with the exception  of one very recent addition of a rather soft nature.

I guess, the morale of the story is:  No matter how clean your cat box is, your pajamas can still land in do do.  It happens.