Monday, January 14, 2013

Release the Inner Bitch

I'm still grouchy.  I tried eating cookies - didn't work - January sucks.

Tried eating ice-cream - gained 1/2 pound.  Tried working out every day to burn off the cookies and ice-cream.  I'm more hungry than ever. Still grouchy - January sucks.

Next month, I'm going to Calfornia, Palm Desert to be exact.  I'm  going to swim every day.  I'll read books on the patio while sipping coffee.  I'll send pictures of the beauty that surrounds me to my freezing,  rain-soaked, friends back in Washington.  I'l sing and dance in the sun. I'll laugh every day.

Of course, I'll continue to eat cookies and ice-cream , but in California I can release my inner bitch.

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