Sunday, November 18, 2012

The Charles Dickens' Cat

My cat, Franklin, has taken to daily strolls through the streets of my Charles Dickens' Christmas Village.  He likes to pull the greenery off the fake snow slopes and knock over the little porcelain people.  He can be a bully that way.

I say:  "No, no" to him and he looks at me like, are you kidding?

I've had a lot of cats in my life, but this one has an extreme sense of entitlement.  He conducts himself with a unique sense of arrogance.  His tail is a plume that stands like a flag waving in the breeze.  He believes he is really wonderful, a distinctive feline statement of possible perfection.

So, today, the incredible prancing cat broke one of my porcelain figurines.  I couldn't be angry with him.  It was probably payback for last Christmas when the tree fell on him.

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