Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Letterman Salute For All Time

What would you put in a time capsule to be uncovered in 100 years?  I've given this some thought as this is an item on my bucket list.  Possibilities include:

l.  A written ode to cats and their intrinsic value to society.

2.  A Superbowl program to illustrate the twentieth century creation of a new feasting holiday.

3.  A copy of George W. Bush's Harvard report card as proof that our nation elected a President with a 2.0 grade point average.  Anything is possible in America.

4.  A Charlie Sheen bowling shirt as an explanation for Adonis DNA.

5.  A student loan bill to show how we encumber  our children with debt and then offer no jobs for them when they graduate.

6.  An X-Ray of Kim Kardasian's ass.

7.  A copy of the Baltimore Catechism  as evidence of a pre-computer era when people could and did memorize an entire book, word for word, one book for each grade, first through eighth.

8.  A written salute to David Letterman:  I wouldn't give his troubles to a "Monkey on a rock!"

9.  A Starbuck's coffee card along with a Microsoft "Surface."  Is it a coincidence that both were created in the Seattle area at around the same time?  What is the true power of caffeine?  For more information go to:  Amazon.Com.

10.  A library card to commemorate the pre-Kindle era.

More to follow, but not for  a time as I will be traveling.

What would you include in your time capsule?

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